Hello friends! I just wanted to say that I've worked my
LAST day in 2010, I'm done! From here to the end of the year I'm on VACATION!!! And I couldn't be happier. I'm so excited to travel and see my family and spend a wonderful Christmas time with all of them. Really looking forward to it. I might miss the weather here (because it's warmer) and I will miss a few people, but I will come back next year. The one thing that I will definitely miss is our neighborhood Christmas party. Well, not so much the party, but the arrival of Santa!

In case you can't read it, it says "Santa will arrive in a helicopter". Yup, that's right, here in Panama, Santa flies around in a helicopter. And, he lands in our neighborhood soccer field to pass out presents to the kids. It's the funniest sight to see Santa waving out of a circling helicopter. I kind of wish we were going to be here to see it again, but I'll be OK since missing it means I'll be with family.
Hope you are all looking forward to a
wonderful Christmas season and perhaps the arrival of Santa...whatever his transportation may be!