Monday, November 22, 2010

Bacon & Bags

I went grocery shopping last weekend. When I bring the groceries home, we set them all in the middle of the kitchen floor so I can sort everything and put it all away. Our cat immediately has to inspect every bag. She LOVES grocery bags (or any bags for that matter) and she carefully checks each one. Sometimes she even lays down in the middle of all the bags. It's very funny! But, it gets better...when we are finished putting the groceries away, she loves to play with the empty bags. She will chase them around the room or simply lay on them. If we throw the bags in the air, she attacks them. It's hilarious. We usually play with her and the bags for a while before putting them all away. I think she likes it when I go grocery shopping just as much as I do!!

VIDEO: Bacon playing with bags...

1 comment:

Margaret said...

Bacon is such a silly kitty!! Does she lick them like Pong does?