Thursday, October 4, 2012

5 Perks of Unemployed Life

Now that I've quit my job, I'm enjoying the time off.  Everyone told me I would get bored without a job, and I probably will, but for now it's wonderful!  I thought I'd share with you a few things that make it great.

5 Perks of Unemployed Life
1. Sleeping In.  I love to sleep!  I could sleep all day, most days!  I am NOT a morning person so getting up for work was always hard.  Sleeping in each morning (or just knowing that I CAN sleep in) makes me happier than you might think.  My favorite moment each morning is when Bill gets up and goes to work and I roll over and go back to sleep!

2. Cleaning The House.  OK, so I don't really love this, but I love that I have the time to do it.  I have the time to spread my chores out during the week and get everything done without spending ALL my time on housework.  Its rewarding to have one or two chores each day and get them done!

3. Grocery Shopping.  I love grocery shopping.  It's an event I always look forward to.  Now that I'm home all day, I can carefully plan the menu and make detailed shopping lists.  Then, I get to spend lots of time shopping and comparing prices and using coupons and getting the best deals.  I love it!

4. Volunteering.  OK, I haven't done this one yet.  But, I've looked into different volunteering opportunities and it's exciting.  I'm looking forward to helping with something, I'm just not sure what yet.  But, I love the fact that I have the time to volunteer somewhere!

5. Classes.  I've already started one and I look forward to more.  I am taking a cake decorating class at Michaels.  It is really fun!  I've learned things I didn't know and now I can apply them to future desserts.  I'm also thinking about taking some sort of home improvement class at Home Depot, that should be interesting.  I just love having the freedom to participate.

*I think this blog post was previously posted before it was ready.  Oops, sorry!

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