Saturday, January 5, 2013

A New Year

Hello and welcome to 2013!!  It's a New Year!  What will this year bring?  No one knows for sure!

Do you make New Year's Resolutions?  I don't usually like to because I almost always fail, but sometimes I think of a few things.  Last year I made some resolutions and I didn't do a very good job at keeping them.  This year, rather than specific resolutions, I'm just going to try to do two things.  Ready?  1) Eat less and 2) Spend less.  They are pretty simple and straightforward and I'm really going to try.  Oh, and I want to exercise more...but I know I won't be consistent with that so I won' even list it!

As far as themes for my blog this year - I have none!  It was tough to keep up last year and I didn't always get my posts done on time (as you know if you're a regular follower).  But, I did finish the year with 4 posts each month according to my themes.  This year I'm just going to post things as they come to me.  That might mean fewer posts, but I'll still be here and I'll try to find entertaining things to share as often as I can.

I wish you all a very Happy New Year!

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