Thursday, October 29, 2009

Recipe #2

Last night I made my second Comfort Food recipe. Mushroom & Cauliflower Cheese Bake. It didn't turn out as good as the first recipe and it didn't quite look like the picture in the book, but it tasted fine and we ate it all. (It seemed to be healthy so we told ourselves it was OK to eat the whole thing!) Bill's verdict for this recipe was "good". Not the resounding success that we had the first time, but I'll take it. Especially since I know there will be worse recipes ahead! Enjoy the pictures.


Sarah said...

oh my gosh, that looks freaking delicious.

Mom said...

I absolutely agree with Sarah! I could eat the whole dish all by myself!! It looks truly WONDERFUL!!!! How appropriate that you made Grandpa Hokanson's favorite vegetable on his very Bday. He went to Kristen's for dinner. Wonder what she fixed for him.

Margaret said...

I agree! Looks delish and two of my favorite vegis!! Anything without a nutrition label is 'healthy'!!