Sunday, October 18, 2009

Happy Birthday #30

Today is my 30th birthday. I don't feel 30, but I guess I don't really know what its supposed to feel like. I wanted my birthday to be super special, to do something historic, something worthy of the big 3-0, but I couldn't think of much. I finally settled on making a list - yes, I love lists! I decided to make a list of things to do in the next year...30 things to do. (I wanted to be cute and say it was "30 things to do in my 30th year of life", but I guess I'm starting my 31st year so its too late for that.) Instead, I just made a list of 30 things I want to do this year. I'm 30 years old now so I should be able to handle 30 goals.

It was harder to make the list than I thought it would be. I wanted to include things that were realistic...that I could actually accomplish. But, I also wanted to include things that were not ordinary...things I would have to work a little harder for or that held extra importance. I also wanted to be sure the goals were fairly specific so I would know when to cross them off the list! Not everything on the list is new - some of these things I've done before and want to do again. Other things are first timers and probably won't be done ever again!

I hope to accomplish everything on my list in the next 365 days. I'm even going to laminate the list and post it above my desk so I can be reminded to work on my "Birthday Goals" throughout the year. As I accomplish the things on this list, I will try to write about them on my blog so you, my faithful reader, can follow my progress. (I'm sure you will be on the edge of your seat all year!) I noticed that quite a few items on the list have to do with either food or travel, so it should fit in nicely with my blog title. Also, I noticed that nothing on the list had anything to do my job or work....hmmm, interesting! So, without further ado, here is my list:

30 Things
1. Go on a cruise
2. Make donuts
3. Start an herb garden (and keep it alive!)
4. Send homemade Christmas cards
5. Learn all the U.S. Presidents, in order
6. Go to the dentist
7. Read the entire Bible (chronologically)
8. Watch all the Lord of the Rings movies in one day
9. Cook thru an entire cookbook
10. Buy an exercise bike (and use it!)
11. Go whitewater rafting
12. Read “The Path Between the Seas” by David McCullough
13. Go to Costa Rica
14. Volunteer for something at church
15. Get a second pet
16. Watch the entire Gilmore Girls series with my husband
17. Cross-stitch something
18. Write a letter once a month
19. Learn how to make pesto
20. Paint a picture (paint-by-numbers is good enough!)
21. Make a will
22. Participate in “Flavor of the Month” on my blog
23. Exercise twice a week (at least)
24. Go camping on Anderson Island
25. Save enough for a down-payment to buy a house
26. Make shrimp or scallops for my husband
27. Go snorkeling in the Atlantic Ocean
28. Go snorkeling in the Pacific Ocean
29. Host a Murder Mystery Dinner
30. Make an address list in Access (a really good one)

I have had a wonderful 30th birthday! My amazing husband bought me donuts for breakfast, Peruvian food for lunch, and brownies for dinner. It doesn't get any better than that. I look forward to having an equally good year and getting at least 30 things done!


margaret said...

Love your list!! A cat would be nice!! I win 'cause Ray-Ray is without a computer!! Can't wait to read all about the list. Viva Panama. Will talk to ya soon. Miss you tons.


Emma said...

great idea kara, you are the best!!

Mom said...

I love your list, especially the camping on Anderson Island, hopefully with us.
What cookbook are you cooking through? You'll have to pass on some of your favorite recipes.