July 3
Our 4th of July party was a success. The food was delicious and we had a great time. The desserts were the best part!
Our 4th of July party was a success. The food was delicious and we had a great time. The desserts were the best part!
We had leftovers on the 4th from our party on the 3rd. I ate a huge hamburger and I was so full! We enjoyed a very relaxing independence day.
Because I made so much lemonade for our party, we had leftovers. I decided to freeze some of it to have later. It looks so good! Can't wait to enjoy it again!
Bill was working late, so I went home and got the dog and we both walked back to the embassy. Bill drove us home. It was a good walk and we didn't get rained on!
I had another orthodontist appointment. That meant I had soup and sherbet for dinner. The cold sherbet makes my teeth feel better...or at least it makes them numb so I don't feel anything!
This one's for you, mom. You wanted me to take a picture out my front door, so here it is...at night.
As you've probably noticed, sometimes I don't have very good (or interesting) ideas for my picture of the day. If you have any suggestions, or anything you want to see...let me know. For now, enjoy the view out our front door.
Still finishing leftovers, Bill decided to have a "piece" of pie. He took a quarter of the pie at once because I hadn't finished cutting it into normal sized pieces. He ate the last piece for breakfast the next morning!
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