September 4
We were at the grocery store and on our way out of the parking lot we noticed a long row of cars parked against the "no parking" signs (the "E" with the line thru it means no parking). We thought it was ironic that so many cars would park where they weren't supposed to, so we stopped to take a picture. As we photographed the offenders, the little parking lot cop (on his bike) whistled at us and asked what we were doing. We pointed to the cars parked illegally and he just shrugged his shoulders and again asked us what we were doing. It didn't occur to him that the cars were doing anything wrong!!! We laughed and drove on. Parking in this country is comical!
We were at the grocery store and on our way out of the parking lot we noticed a long row of cars parked against the "no parking" signs (the "E" with the line thru it means no parking). We thought it was ironic that so many cars would park where they weren't supposed to, so we stopped to take a picture. As we photographed the offenders, the little parking lot cop (on his bike) whistled at us and asked what we were doing. We pointed to the cars parked illegally and he just shrugged his shoulders and again asked us what we were doing. It didn't occur to him that the cars were doing anything wrong!!! We laughed and drove on. Parking in this country is comical!
Happy Labor Day! I love any excuse to have a day off of work. To celebrate, we grilled chicken, which was delicious, and had broccoli and fresh made lemonade. It was a good day!
I'm helping with the women's retreat by doing data entry. To keep all the papers organized, Abby gave me a nifty file. Nifty, except it's PINK. She just had to give me a pink one and now I have to carry it around! I don't like pink!
Our smoke detector had a rough day! I guess I need to clean my oven because when I turned it on...the detector went off. I didn't burn anything, it was barely cooked, but the detector went off several times. We're rethinking our decision to replace the batteries in the detectors! Hmmm...maybe no batteries are better than beeping detectors?!?
I had to drop off my ice-cream maker with Abby so she could use it for her cooking class. That gave me an excuse to visit with Abby and Jen. And, I shared my Peruvian candy with them. I'm so thankful for great friends!
We went back to Crepes & Waffles again. We enjoyed it so much last week that we wanted to try it again. They really have a great selection so we might have to go back several times before we find our favorites. This time, Bill ordered a bread bowl that came filled with chicken curry. It was a lot of food and he said it was really good. He ate it all! We might go back next weekend too!!
Here I am again! We are happy to have college football back on TV. We were able to watch Oregon play again and this time they won! Go Ducks! Or as Bill likes to say: "Vamos Patos"!
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