Saturday, April 7, 2012

Southern Caribbean Cruise

Here's another video of another cruise we took.  No, we don't normally take cruises every month (I wish) but we happened to take these two back-to-back.  It wasn't exactly planned that way, but we enjoyed it.

This cruise left from Colon, Panama so we had an easy commute.  My parents flew down and took it with us.  It was a different feel that other cruises I've been on because most of the passengers were Latin American (only 60 English speakers on board).  But, we still had fun.  The only problem was that my mom was sick.  She stayed in her cabin for most of the cruise and we were all sad that she couldn't enjoy herself more.  I guess that means we'll just have to take another cruise so she can fully appreciate it!

For some reason, I didn't take a lot of video footage during the cruise.  So, in order to make a more complete video, I added pictures.  Enjoy!

1 comment:

mom said...

A great video which I finally watched. Too bad all the pictures of me are sitting or watching from a distance. That was pretty much the way it was though. I enjoyed watching the fun you guys had on the excursions. I like the way you put it all together - and again, the music you chose. You may have a second career in film making.