Friday, May 18, 2012

May 15 - A Day In My Life

Here is another day in my life.  This day started early because we were going back to Panama after a week in the U.S.  I like traveling (a lot) so I thought it'd be fun to share this day with you.

 I told you it started early...
3:00 AM alarms do NOT make me happy!

Closing up my suitcase, getting ready to go.

We returned our rental car before the office was even open.  
I didn't love the Jeep Liberty, but it served us well.

The day before, I tried to buy a bottle of water from a vending machine, but it was out of water and it wouldn't give me my money I bought Diet Dr. Pepper instead.  However, I hadn't finished it so I had it with me in the airport - and since I can't take liquids, I was determined to drink some before throwing it away and wasting my money.  Diet Dr. Pepper isn't that great at 4:30 AM!

There weren't a lot of people on our flight.  We were the only ones waiting for a long time!

We weren't really awake yet - but we do like traveling!

Taking off from Birmingham in the fog.

Landing in Chicago

Waiting to board our flight to Houston.

Have you ever seen a white bag of peanut M&Ms?

When we were landing in Houston, there was another plane landing on a parallel runway at the same time.  The plane was too close to us, if you ask me!

Time check.

Enjoying one last taste of America before leaving.
Boarding a flight to Latin America and everyone immediately crowds the line - even when it isn't their BOARDING GROUP!! we come, again.

We flew in a Rolls Royce!

The cheeseburger was surprisingly good.

Enjoying my special treat (I always buy a People magazine when I travel).

This was our view for most of the day.

Landing in Panama.

I almost forgot the picture of me in a mirror - so I took this in the airport after we landed!

Hooray for Abby picking us up!!  It was nice to see her smiling face after a long day!

And it really was a L-O-N-G day!

1 comment:

mom said...

I LOVE the picture of you guys on the plane - the happy travelers. So cute!