Saturday, July 21, 2012

July 17 - A Day In My Life

This week was my pack-out!  In six weeks I'll be leaving Panama for good so it's time for all my earthly belongings to start their slow trip north.  It took three days for four guys to pack up everything I own in this house.  It was a lot of work (mostly for them) and a lot of going up and down stairs (too much exercise!).  I don't have many pictures because it was basically packing all day long...not very exciting.  But, here's a look at what it was like.  (This is day two of packing.)

Time to wake up and get ready for the packers to return.

This is what my bedroom looked like.  I had all the stuff for them to pack loosely organized in groups.

Getting a quick bowl of cereal before they come.  They packed up my kitchen on Day 1 so I have to maneuver around boxes to get my breakfast.

And the packing continues.

Amber came over to help me write numbers on boxes.  It was nice to have the company.

Time check.  Lunch is over so it's back to work.  I forgot to take a picture of our lunch (KFC) because I was having too much fun chatting with Amber.

This is what my office looks like after two days of packing.

More packing.
This is what I did all day while they packed...I wrote things down on my fancy clipboard.  I like to have an idea of what is in each box.

They started weighing everything to make sure I'm not over my limit.

And the packers are gone for the day.  I'm left to type up my packing list while surrounded by boxes.

Starting a new book before going to bed.  (Notice all the stuff in my room is now packed.)

Good night Day 2 of packing!

1 comment:

mom said...

Thanks for the pictoral peek into your packout experience. Looks very well organized to me - compared to our latest move. Way to go!!