Monday, December 22, 2008

Coming Soon

I have so much to write about and so many pictures to share. We've had another pizza night and we've made a million different kinds of Christmas cookies and desserts and we even had a huge Christmas Dessert Open House. We've been enjoying the visit of Bill's mom as he takes her around Rome being a good tour guide. All in all, we're having a busy and festive Christmas season. It's almost Christmas day!!! I can't wait. Our tree has presents under it (more than I imagined it would) and we're all having lots of fun. I'm looking forward to our first Christmas as a married couple...should be fun!

Unfortunately, I don't have time to write everything I want to and I can't post all the pictures that Bill has taken for me. But, I'm going to get to them soon. I just want you to know that I haven't forgotten and I will be back soon...very soon!

Until then, I hope you have a wonderful Christmas time. It is such a festive time of year and I want everyone to enjoy it as much as I do!!!


Anonymous said...

We had a great time at the Christmas Open House! Cookies were yummy and so was the company! Have a Merry Christmas.


Anonymous said...

I can't wait for pictures! :]