Thursday, May 21, 2009


This is what we've been doing for the last two days. Well, I guess we haven't been doing much because we haven't been the ones doing the packing...but we've been here and we supervise and organize and sort and make lists. I'm very good at making lists. Now we have a fairly accurate inventory that includes most of our belongings by box number. Tomorrow they bring the big crates to take everything away. I've enjoyed having two days off of work to spend packing and getting ready to leave! Now we have less than 2 months before we depart...can't wait! Enjoy the pictures, and notice how bare the walls are and how empty the apartment feels. Its kind of sad, but also very exciting!


Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness! It looks so sad and lonely. I think a game night might cheer it up ;] <3

margaret said...

I miss the globes!! Looks like a good pack-out!! ME NEXT. Have a great weekend!!!

mom said...

Can't believe it! Such emptiness. I bet it really feels empty now that everything is gone. Oh well, you have lots to look forward to. A cheery thought to chase away the moving blues.