Thursday, April 16, 2009

Inca Kola and Lomo Saltado

This is just a random post to keep you entertained while I'm on vacation. I'm going to be in Egypt all week so I wrote a few blog posts and scheduled them to upload during the week. This is something I've wanted to post for a few weeks, but I kept getting distracted by my blog series. So, I thought now was a good time to share the pictures and story.

A couple weeks ago, Bill surprised me with a very awesome gift. He bought me Inca Kola. For those of you who don't know, Inca Kola is a Peruvian soft drink that I've been drinking for as long as I can remember. Its a very sweet cola and I think its delicious...mostly because of all the memories it brings back when I drink it (and even just smell it). Bill went down to a big market by the train station to find this nostalgic treat. He didn't even know where he was going and had to ask a friend of mine for directions. He bought 6 glass bottles of Inca Kola and surprised me with them (isn't he a great husband?). They were so good! I decided that a Peruvian drink deserved a Peruvian meal so I made Lomo Saltado, also my favorite. It is a stir-fry of meat, onions, tomatoes, and french fries served over rice. I've made it before and its always been kind of dry, but this time it was great. And, I had the perfect drink to wash it all down!

Thanks, Bill!


Anonymous said...

Yay! A new blog post! I've been waiting too long hehe! :] Inca Kola is DERISHUS! <3

Emma said...

french fries make everything better! and I second Rach's comment, FINALLY! I hope Egypt is funnnnnn

margaret said...

I can only add a: om nom nom!!

The Foust Family said...

Yummy! What was your secret to the lomo saltado? Mine always turns out dry. Oh Peruvian food...that sounds so good.

mom said...

What a great blog post for my last night in the U.S. At 6:00am I leave for the land of Inca Kola and Lomo Saltado (and soooo much more!)You've stirred up my appetite. Hope Egypt is fun. I also hope your cruise is nowhere near the pirates of Somalia. Geography was never my best subject. I'll be home Monday night and will look forward to your pix and tales of the land of pyramids.