Saturday, January 23, 2010

Mac & Cheese

A few weeks ago, I made another recipe from the cookbook...I made Macaroni & Cheese. I've never been a big fan of homemade mac & cheese. I like the fake, yellow stuff in a box - it just tastes more fun! But, I've had good homemade stuff too so I thought this recipe had potential and it could have been a new "family favorite". Unfortunately, it wasn't as good as I hoped. On the other hand, it wasn't that bad. When I was making didn't look good. The stinky cheese was not appealing to me. So, after tasting it - I was kind of surprised that it was OK. It wasn't great but it wasn't horrible either. It was OK. We actually ended up eating most of it. So, another recipe down...and many, many more to go.

the recipe the ingredients
making a yummy cream sauce
delicious, crusty top


Anonymous said...

Ahhh that made me so hungry! :] But where are the cool shaped pasta?! Scooby? Spongebob?

Margaret said...

I forgot to comment after I read this as it started my tastebuds rolling!! Got off the computer and made my own! Not as pretty as yours, but yummy all the same. You can never go wrong with Mac and Cheese.