Thursday, March 11, 2010

Spaghetti & Meatballs

I'm trying to make at least 2 recipes each week from the cookbook, that's the only way I'll get thru all the recipes in time. So, the dinner for this week was Spaghetti & Meatballs. It was ok. The meatballs were good, but had way too many onions (they barely held together until I took some onions out). The spaghetti part was a little disappointing because it had practically NO sauce. It was too dry and I missed the tomatoey, saucy goodness that I was hoping it would be. But, the overall taste was ok. We gobbled it up with garlic bread and Bill even had the leftovers tonight. It wasn't as bad as the last recipe I made - which I will admit we didn't even finish!

I was a little rushed making dinner last night so I wasn't able to take as many pictures. Sorry!

the recipe


Anonymous said...

om nom nommmmm

margaret said...

LOL!! We had meatballs last week too!! These look yummy.

Emma said...

you're nuts, it looks damn good to me. i made meatloaf this week and had a similar onion problem. but it gets even better with time. xoxo