Remember this list? I barely remember was so long ago. Almost a whole year, in fact. Which should mean that I'm nearing the end of the list - but that is not the case at all. Nope, I'm nearing the end of my year, but not the end of the list. Unfortunately, I kind of gave up on it about 3 months ago (maybe even earlier). Yes, it was just too much imaginary pressure for me. I hate failing, so I just quit instead. Not much better, I know. There are a few things that I've completed. There are a few other things that I've started but won't finish (or I haven't followed through on). And then there are some things that I haven't even thought about starting. It's all so overwhelming. But, I'm going to finish the year and chronicle any last tasks I manage to complete.
On that note, I can now cross off #6 - Go to the Dentist. That's a BIG one! I won't even tell you how many YEARS it's been since I've seen the inside of a dentist's office. I have bad teeth and I'm afraid of dentists and they yell at me for not flossing and they inflict pain...much pain. But, I am an adult and I know that it will only get progressively worse. So, today I bit the bullet (figuratively, of course...that would not be good for my teeth) and I went to see the Dentist. Really, it was more of the dental hygienist that I saw today. My teeth have to be cleaned before the dentist can even determine how bad the damage is. So, I spent what seemed like an eternity clutching the arms of a dentist's chair while she cleaned...and cleaned...and cleaned. And that wasn't even enough. I have to go back for more cleaning in 15 days. My teeth were so bad they couldn't even be cleaned in one session. Oh, and my gums are too sensitive and bleed too much to do it all at once. So, now I have prescription toothpaste and mouthwash to help my inflamed, bloody gums.
But, the point here is that I started. I took the first step towards better teeth. And, it will be a long, long (LONG) journey ahead. I foresee many more appointments. The dentist even suggested I talk to an orthodontist...we'll see about that. And, even though I have a long way to go, I can say I have successfully completed #6 on my list of Things to Do. Oh, and my teeth hurt!
On a separate note, I'm thinking of trying a few video ideas for this blog. I thought I might make some "how to" videos. I just don't know what topics or ideas to do. Does anyone out there (my few...very few...loyal readers) have any ideas? Or, maybe I should start another series like this or this. I need to get this blog going again. No more excuses. So, since there are a few of you out there that read this, let me know what you're interested in.
It is a huge understatement when I tell you that I am proud of you. I am TRULY proud of you!!! Of all the things on your list, that was probably one of the most important goals you set for yourself this year. And you started it. Good for you. I'm sorry about the pain, but remember, "no pain, no gain". You're on your way to great gain. Orthodonture? You weren't interested when Dr. Ganoza was willing to do it for free. But it's never too late. Ask Ron Ryan. You go girl!!
Yeah for you!! Glad you went. I know it is painful, but you'll be happy in the end. In your honor, I went to the dentist today too!! NO cavities. I am LOST as to what to suggest for your blog. But food and parties are always fun. Hugs all around!!
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