Monday, January 2, 2012

Week 52

December 26
We had our delicious ham for Christmas dinner. We also had scalloped hash brown potatoes and peas. As leftovers we mix the potatoes and the is simply delicious. One of the best things ever! I will probably make more potatoes next week and add the ham to it before baking it! So yummy! (Even though it doesn't look that good, it me!)
December 27
One of my Christmas gifts was this water pick. I love it. I'm still perfecting my skills - and I still make quite a mess - but it's fun. It makes my teeth feel clean! Thanks, mom!
December 28
I couldn't end the year, and my Project 365, without one more picture of the dog. You can tell he's sick of pictures. This is the last one, I promise!
December 29
Bill and I are trying to buy a house...again! Here we are signing our life away. I'll let you know if we get it!
December 30
After getting out of a late night movie, the mall was empty! The animal statues at each entrance look more ominous when it's dark. We were exiting the "Dino" entrance, so obviously there was a dinosaur! I like the animals in our mall!
December 31
How fitting that I should end the year, and my Project 365, with a picture in the airport. (If you'll recall, I started this whole thing with a picture in the airport on January 1.) This time, my parents were flying through Panama and had a layover. We were able to get in to their gate and surprise them. Unfortunately their incoming flight was late so we only had 15 minutes with them...but we managed to enjoy a few New Year's Eve finger foods and toast to a "Happy New Year" with sparkling Sprite. It was so much fun and a wonderful way to end 2011!

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