Sunday, March 27, 2011

Week 12

March 20
We went to Taco Bell because we like it. They always ask for your name before they take your order. Bill and I get tired of spelling out our names for them in Spanish (because they are so difficult), so we use "easier" names. Bill uses "Aaron" because we thought it was easier for Spanish speakers - and it's his middle name. Apparently, it's not that easy either! They have NEVER spelled it right at Taco Bell...don't they watch Food Network and see Aaron Sanchez obsess about his name? I guess not. We have since decided Bill should use "Jose" or "Pablo" because it would be impossible for them to get those names wrong...right?

March 21
I made dinner and it was super scrumptious. We had fried rice with diced ham and stir-fried teriyaki vegetables. It was almost a healthy meal...and really, really tasty!March 22
We got a surprise day off of work because a former vice-president of Panama died and it was declared a national day of mourning. I spent the day sleeping in and playing games with my friends. It was so much fun! And - I actually one the game for once...that makes it even more fun! Yay! March 23
I got a cookbook for Christmas from my brother and sister-in-law: Top Secret Restaurant Recipes 2. It has all kinds of famous restaurant recipes and I finally used it to make Cheddar Bay Biscuits, like the ones from Red Lobster. I was happy because the recipe wasn't too difficult and the biscuits were really good. I think I made them too big, so next time I'll use a smaller scoop, but they were very tasty. I LOVE this cookbook and look forward to using it a LOT! March 24
BEFORE: I'm planning to get my hair cut so I took a picture to show how long it was. Not the longest it's been, but long enough to be annoying. I was ready for something different.March 25
AFTER: here is my short haircut. This is the shortest my hair has been in over 10 years. I'm still getting used to it. It's kind of funny, but I think I like it. At least I don't hate it!March 26
Dry season is officially over...I think. It started pouring today...raining so hard you couldn't see across the street. It's hard to take a picture that captures just how hard it was raining, but I tried. After about an hour, the rain suddenly stopped.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Four Things Friday #1

I'm going to try a new "segment" on my blog (that make it sound like it's a talk show). I had an idea, I'm sure it's not that original, but I'm not copying it from anyone specific...just something I thought would be fun. If it turns out to be too much work, I'll just quit! It's called Four Things Friday and it's fairly self explanatory. Each Friday, I will tell you 4 things. I'll try to keep them short and interesting...but I can't promise either. The idea is that I mention 4 random things I've been thinking about, it's not supposed to be too much work for me. I just thought it would help me contribute more to my blog and give you (my few loyal readers) something more to enjoy. You could ask why I don't do "Five Things Friday" and I would say, because 4 is my favorite number, not 5. Here's my first edition:

1. I got my hair cut today. Shorter than it's been in at least 10 years. I'm still getting used to it, but I think I like it. You'll see pictures in my next Project 365 update.

2. I can't take naps. I mean, I don't like to take naps. Actually, that's not right either...I don't like waking up from a nap. Yup, I can sleep just fine, but when I get up, I'm always confused and groggy and usually very angry. So, it's better for everyone if I don't take naps! However, Bill is taking a nap right now.

3. Our house guest, Frank the dog, is leaving us today. I've enjoyed her time here but I'm not sure she has. Our house is small and we don't have a yard, so she hasn't had much exercise. Having two dogs in one house has made me reconsider my desire for another dog. Maybe if we had a yard...that would work!

4. I'm craving brownies! I made a huge pan of brownies last weekend and ate almost all of them. I was hesitant to share them with anyone because my cravings were that strong. Now that I'm home, on Friday afternoon, with the whole weekend before me, the cravings are getting stronger. Should I make more brownies and enjoy them, regardless of the massive amounts of weight I'll gain?

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Week 11

I get a rare chance today to update my blog during the week. You see, today was declared a National Day of Mourning here in Panama because of the death of an ex-vice president. So, we get the day off. I'm trying to be productive with my time.

March 13
I made cookies. They were so easy and so good. Maggie let me borrow a cookbook with all kinds of creative ways to use cake mixes (besides just cakes). So, I used a chocolate cake mix to make these tasty chocolate peanut butter cookies. They were a hit!
March 14
We have a house guest for the next two weeks. Welcome to our home, Frank.
March 15
I forgot to take a picture of myself on the 10th, like I was supposed to...too distracted by the cat's bad behavior. So, I remembered today. Here I am...not looking too good (it's all those cookies I've been eating). Beware the Ides of March!
March 16
Bill is back in school again, after his week off, so he's hitting the books. He's trying to be more disciplined this term and get his homework done promptly...we'll see how long that lasts.
March 17
Just relaxing after a long day. All the animals...and Bill.
March 18
We had an event at work today. It was a day of teams and games and laughter and team-building (I think) and costumes. Our team was ducks.
March 19
One of my favorite candies. I'm sure it's in my top five, although I don't know what the other four are. I should think about that and make an actual list. In the meantime, I'll enjoy my pieces!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Week 10

Another old week, I'm catching up. Enjoy!

March 6
We tried to go out for Mexican food, but the restaurant was closed due to Carnival. Fortunately for me, our favorite restaurant was nearby so we went there instead. Abby, Erica, and Bill all ordered the exact same thing...but I was different. It was all delicious! March 7
It was bound to happen sooner or later...I forgot to take a picture. I was just hoping it would happen later, rather than sooner. But, I have excuses. I didn't have my own camera (it was still missing) and I had to ask Bill to take the picture for me but he wasn't always with me when I wanted to take one. I had several interesting things to take a picture of, and I thought about it several times, but I never got the shot. I'm sad. Hopefully this won't happen too many times...I already have to change the name to Project 364 and I don't want to change it again. March 8
Bill made pancakes. It's becoming a Saturday morning tradition, but this was Tuesday. Why? Because we had the day it felt like Saturday. They were fluffy and delicious and I ate way too many...yummy! March 9
Here's a random shot - my new bulletin board in the bedroom. The bedroom was the only place left with enough wall space for my big bulletin board. I love it! March 10
Bacon is a very naughty cat! She got her treat bag off the counter, chewed a hole in it, took it upstairs, spilled treats all around, took the bag back downstairs and left it in the middle of the hall. You might think the dog did this, but Ubi is far too afraid of being punished to do something this bad. Nope, it was that evil cat!! (Oh, and because of her mischief, I forgot to take the regular picture of myself because it is the 10th...I didn't remember until later.) March 11
We went to the mall's food court for lunch. Johnny Rocket's was calling my name. Chili cheese fries and a Chocolate-Peanut Butter milkshake. Probably around 50,000 calories but OH SO DELICIOUS!!! March 12
Another relaxing outing because Bill was still on vacation from school. This time we went to the movies and relaxed in the recliners at the VIP theater. You can see our feet in the picture as we are relaxing!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Week 9

OK, sorry it took so long. I got my camera back last week and I've been taking pictures but I haven't had time to upload them. So, over the weekend, I'll upload three weeks worth. Then I will be caught up. Hopefully you will find the photos enjoyable.

February 27
I like to make birthday cakes for my coworker's birthdays. I always ask them what they want, but they usually try to request something easy. They are allowed to choose any dessert, but most of them just choose chocolate cake with chocolate frosting. And, while that is delicious, it's a little boring. Oh well, here is the birthday cake for Edgar. February 28
Too lazy to make a real dinner, I'm settling for delicious and nutritious macaroni & cheese. It really does taste pretty good sometimes. We often mix in some chili for a classic chili-mac, but tonight was pure mac & cheese. March 1
Tonight Bacon made me so mad! She got out the front door, which isn't that unusual, but instead of coming back in when she was supposed to, she ran down the street. I had to chase her in the dark and try to get her to go home. She thought it was a game and kept hiding under cars and running the wrong direction. I finally chased her inside but I was very angry. So, I put her on a leash to teach her that if she wants to go out, she has to be on a leash. That, in turn, made her very angry. You can't tell in the picture, but she is MOST unhappy! March 2
Our beach vacation from last week is truly over...we had to return the borrowed boogie boards. So sad that we can't still be at the beach. March 3
I went to bed early tonight...then suddenly woke up and realized I hadn't taken a picture for the day. So, I got out of bed and took a picture. It was late and I had absolutely no creativity. March 4
We had a cookbook swap party. It was so much fun! Everyone brought a cookbook that they don't use very much and we took turns picking one out of the pile, like a white elephant game. It was fun and most people got a "new" cookbook they were excited about.
March 5
Ubi has a bacterial skin disease. It makes his skin scab and peel. That makes his hair fall out. Poor dog - almost looks bald on his side.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Coming Soon

My Week 9 pictures are coming soon. I took the pictures, but they are still on my camera. And since I left my camera at someone's house...I don't have it with me. And, I probably won't get it back until I don't have any pictures to post. Oh, and the pictures I'm taking now - these days when I don't have my camera - will be a combo of using Bill's camera or his phone, so they will either be good quality or bad quality. You'll see. Stay posted and I'll get my pictures uploaded as soon as I can. Have a wonderful week!