I don't do well with New Year's resolutions...I'm just too lazy to follow through, usually. Also, they tend to be the same every year so I guess I'm not good at actually accomplishing them with any degree of permanency. Or, maybe my life is cyclical and I just need to loose weight every winter! Because I'm not good at resolutions, I don't usually make any. Of course, I always tell myself it's a good time to change my ways, but I don't name them "resolutions" because that makes me less inclined to do them.
This year I decided to do something...and actually declare it publicly so I might feel more pressured to finish. Who knows if I can really do this...or make it last a whole year, but I intend to try. Want to know what it is? Here you go: Project 365. I don't know if that's what I'll call it the whole time, but that's what it is. Basically, I plan to take a picture every day for a whole year. Remember when I did that in October? I made it through 1 month, so now I'm going to try 12. It might not be very exciting most days, but I'm going to attempt it anyway. I'm going to try and post once a week with the pictures from that week...so, wish me luck!
To start off, I will show my picture from today, January 1, the first day of the year. It was a big day in my family. My sister and her family moved to Peru today. We went to the airport at 4:00 AM this morning to see them off. It was very sad to see them go, but it's an exciting time for their family. I will be praying for them as they start this adventure. And, tonight we're going back to the airport for our return to Panama. Sadly, our 2 week vacation in America has come to an end. We've spent a lot of time in the airport today so here's a shot of my sister and her family. We'll miss them!!
I just checked your blog today and saw this. Makes me cry. We're picking up things, washing sheets, cleaning the garage and taking stuff to GoodWill today. Lots of reminders and "leftovers" of our wonderful days together. Thanks again for EVERYTHING! It was stupendous to be with you all, and everything was made more wonderful by your organization and generosity. Thanks, thanks, thanks!!! Now, here's hoping the Vegas get their luggage today. What a bummer. We got to see them via Skype today. Makes them no seem quite so far away. I just got back from the PO and I mailed Bill's computer chord. Hope it gets there soon. Let me know when it does. I'm looking forward to all the pictures you take this year. All 365 of them!!!!
Happy New Year!! Hope everyone arrives safe and sound and that everyone is still smiling at the end of their travels!!
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