Friday, April 8, 2011

Four Things Friday #3

1. If you've watched the news at all lately, you'll know our government could possibly shut down this weekend. Since I work for the government, it may affect me. My boss has to decide if I'm "essential" to work during a shutdown or not. Right now I'm on the cusp of essentialness...I'm .5 essential. It could go either way!

2. I really wish that pasta didn't make you fat because I LOVE pasta but I don't love being fat. Our favorite restaurant here is called Tre Scalini and it has a lot of pasta choices. Basically 75% of the menu is various sauces and pasta dishes. The awesome thing is that you can choose which pasta (noodle) you want with most of the sauces. I LOVE pasta.

3. I had another orthodontist appointment yesterday. It wasn't as painful as I expected (maybe because I took a bunch of drugs) - so that was nice. The ligatures on my braces are now purple...I thought it was a nice color for Easter and spring.

4. A nugget of wisdom my father sent me this week (perhaps because I write these 4 random things each week or maybe because I'm just random in general): Pearls melt in vinegar. I've never tried it so I have no personal experience, but if you do let me know.


mom said...

Pearls melt in vinegar? Now that is a random, little-known fact I hope never to prove! Purple bands? That is a cool color for Easter. Glad the pain was less than expected. Enjoy the pasta tonight.

mom said...

BTW, I think you are VERY essential!! Things just wouldn't be right without you. And without you the gov't would have shut down long ago - at least your part of it, anyway. What are they thinking?!