So, for today's photo, I decided to take advantage of another thing I've crossed off my list. I am now able to cross off #17 because I recently started cross-stitching something. I'm not finished yet, but I started. I also can't tell you what it is because that's a surprise. But, I feel good because I accomplished another one of my goals. Once I get the cross-stitch done, I'll share pictures of it. For now, enjoy the "just started" picture and that fact that I am crossing something else off the list. My year is almost over and I'm hastily trying to get a few more things accomplished. I hope to share more completed tasks with you in the next week!
can you tell what it is?
Cute!! I'm proud of you. Is it a choo choo train? Kinda looks like one. Just guessing.
Another hidden talent that you have!!
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