Saturday, March 14, 2009


This isn't part of my current series, but I just had to share. Today was a beautiful day!! The weather is warming up nicely. It was nice and sunny! After a lovely walk this morning (running errands), we had lunch on the patio while enjoying the company of Belle - the chocolate lab we are taking care of. It was so nice. Oh yeah, and the strawberry-banana smoothie I made was pretty delicious too!


Anonymous said...

I'm jealous. I want to be sitting on the sunny patio slurping a strawberry banana smoothie. We've seen nothing but rain here lately.

Can't believe I'm the first to comment. Guess it's because it's Saturday and I'm still home 'cause my bus to Lima was cancelled last night due to landslides. That patio sounds pretty inviting.

steph said...

Ahhh, she is sooo precious and those smoothies look yummy too!
We have a little patio area in front of our apartment! I need a little patio table and chairs so I can sit outside on weekends and have breakfast with devin outside!

Anonymous said...

It was such a nice day today! :] I'm jealous you spent it outside instead of in a car like me! Hehe. Those smoothie looks DERISH!

Anonymous said...

After walking all over the Cassia, lunch was inside!! Yours looks quite yummy. I think Bella has her eyes on Bills lunch though.